Our Services

Sampling and Technical Guidance

Our highly experienced team can provide the technical advice and expertise required for development and production. This includes product development, pattern cutting, pattern grading, prototype sampling and the creation of technical specification documents that include size charts and bill of materials.

Preparation of Fabrics and Components

The raw materials are carefully quality-checked by ABP’s reception department before being passed onto the sewing room. The ABP team provides the client with a reception report for all fabric and component deliveries to the site.


ABP are trained specialists in cutting. The cutting room is a large space filled with natural light, with specific tables for the preparation of materials.


Machinists are highly skilled in construction and have a trained eye for detail. Services include the assembly of materials, expert machine stitching and hand operations.

Quality Control

Every product is carefully finished and meticulously checked before leaving the sewing room.

Packaging and Shipping

All products are carefully packaged according to specific instruction and arranged neatly to be shipped.


ABP offers integrated storage, warehouse and logistical services. Our business partners can choose to have their orders sent internationally directly from the atelier.

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